Coming from a split which occurred in 2009 within the IFICC, our group carries on fully defending the fundamental political positions and orientations of that one, in particular - and beyond the intervention that, as communists, we have to lead towards our class : :
- the struggle against opportunism which, today, threats and even sometimes strongly weakens the "Communist Left", as it is the case for the present ICC;
- the essential struggle for the regroupment which is vital for the proletariat and its revolutionary perspective, of the "Communist Left" forces.
Our present bulletin totally takes back and continues the practical political work already undertaken in the Bulletin of the IFICC.
New website since 2014:
--> Revolution or War <--
Journal of the International Group of the Communist Left
Revolution or War is the journal of the International Group of the Communist Left (IGLC).
It is the result of the fusion of CIK- Klabastalo and FICL. Our unity is based on the following main points:
1.- For our class, this vital unification of Left Communist forces (whose main component is the ICT) is an essential step for the future and indispensable formation of the class party for the revolution. This fundamental objective also requires uncompromising struggle against the penetration of bourgeois ideology within the Communist Left, especially against the opportunism and sectarianism that still plague this environment.
2.- Today, this necessary process can only strengthen communists’ ability to assume the responsibilities that the proletariat has raised: to be its most conscious and determined fraction.
Extracts of the french and spanish versions of issue 40 (July 2007) |
- Presentation of the Bulletin 40
We'll stick this time to the life of the political groups of the proletarian camp.
- Who are we ? (Thesis of the IUPRC of Russia)
"We struggle for the extermination of capitalism - for communism that is a society without private property, classes, states, waged labor, money or commodity production, a society based not on competition omnia contra omnes, but on comradely cooperation..."
- Our comments (Letter to the IUPRC)
Through these positions, your Thesis strongly reaffirm two basic principles of Marxism and revolutionary workers movement : classes struggle and internationalism. These two principles are guide lines for the whole and permanent activity and intervention of the communists which they can't forget, nor let aside for any reason.
- Fighting against the G8 is not enough ! We must Destroy Capitalism ! (Leaflet of the GIS)
It has been distributed during the last G8 summit held in this country and during the demonstrations the latter has provoked. For the essential, we warmly support this revolutionary intervention towards the proletariat, particularly for its clear and radical denunciation of today capitalism.
- The Present ICC Carries on its Giving up of its Political Basis!
(About the Editorial of the International Review 129 of the ICC)
When imperialist war begins to rise up as a direct and undirect crucial question to which the proletariat and its revolutionary minorities are already confronted with, the new ICC, as the bourgeois propaganda, as the medias, as the ecologists of all countries, diverts the attention to a "through a man- made ecological meltdown that in the span of a few generations could make the earth as inhospitable to human life as Mars".
- Public meeting of the ICC in Brussels (Belgium):
Opportunism makes itself the bearer of the ecologist ideology
The "new way" ICC (we mean the ICC corrupted by the opportunist disease) seems to put a point of honour in showing itself as a caricature of what all the history of the working class movement has known in terms of betrayal of marxism, of abandonment of the classists principles, of flat and coarse demagogy; in short : of political liquidation.
- The communist organization: Vanguard or lessons teacher ?
- Karl Marx's Letter to Kugelman (April 17, 1871)
- Preface to the Russian Translation of Karl Marx's Letters to Dr. Kugelmann (Lenin, February 5, 1907)
This question is at the very heart of the activity of a proletarian organisation since it is about the attitude of the communist vanguard vis-à-vis the activity of the working class. To assume its role as a vanguard doesn't consist only in giving orientations to the working class, in pointing out prospects and objectives for its struggles. It consists too in being on the look-out for the class, for its initiatives, for the solutions it "invents" in front of the problems and questions that the situation poses.
Our previous bulletins
New series
(From 2010 on)
Old series
History of the International Secrétariat of the ICC 1996-2001 (only in french)
How opportunism imposed itself within the central organs before
infecting and beginning to destroy the whole organisation...
(1st part)
| (2nd part)
Call on support
We want to thank our readers who understand and support our activity in different ways :
writings, material or financial contributions.
Editing, printing and mailing our bulletin means an important financial effort related to the scarces resources we have.
The evolution of the situation, the fight we carry on against the opportunist ICC drift and for the preservation of this organisation's contributions for more than 30 years, all our activities in order to strenghten our class and its vanguard (regroupment labor, debates within the proletarian camp, intervention), all of this requires, among other things, an important financial effort.
So, we encourage the interested readers in our political labor and in the analysis we defend, to give us their financial support taking out a subscription of our Bulletin, and distributing it.