International Communist Bulletin  

Coming from a split which occurred in 2009 within the IFICC, our group carries on fully defending the fundamental political positions and orientations of that one, in particular - and beyond the intervention that, as communists, we have to lead towards our class : :

- the struggle against opportunism which, today, threats and even sometimes strongly weakens the "Communist Left", as it is the case for the present ICC;

- the essential struggle for the regroupment which is vital for the proletariat and its revolutionary perspective, of the "Communist Left" forces.

Our present bulletin totally takes back and continues the practical political work already undertaken in the Bulletin of the IFICC.

New website since 2014:

--> Revolution or War <--

Journal of the International Group of the Communist Left

Revolution or War is the journal of the International Group of the Communist Left (IGLC).

It is the result of the fusion of CIK- Klabastalo and FICL. Our unity is based on the following main points:

1.- For our class, this vital unification of Left Communist forces (whose main component is the ICT) is an essential step for the future and indispensable formation of the class party for the revolution. This fundamental objective also requires uncompromising struggle against the penetration of bourgeois ideology within the Communist Left, especially against the opportunism and sectarianism that still plague this environment.

2.- Today, this necessary process can only strengthen communists’ ability to assume the responsibilities that the proletariat has raised: to be its most conscious and determined fraction.

International Communist Bulletin 11 (November 2013)

  • Editorial of the bulletin 11
  • The IC-Klasbatalo and our Fraction, we are on the way to adopting a ‘platform’ with main positions close to those of both the ICT and the “historical” ICC. We continue to discuss and clarify the questions of organization and functioning based on the Communist Left, especially the tradition of the “Italian” Left...



    Intervention in the Working Struggle


  • Communist Intervention and Evolution of the Class Struggle
  • The great masses of workers seeing that their minorities or more militant sectors hesitate at the sheer scale of the task, of the necessity to avoid the democratic traps and erroneous approaches – such of the "indignados" or "Occupy" ideology for instance – this indicates, above all,the concrete, practical, necessity to take up the political fight against capitalism's forces, in the first place from the unions who pretend to be "workers", in the struggle.


  • Statement of the Internationalist Communist Tendency about the Port-Said Events (March 2013)
  • Any bourgeois government can wait. It can wait until the anger is exhausted in some act of protest, however powerful and violent, and then take back by force the situation that previously got out of hand. The manoeuvre is much simpler and more effective if the uprising is isolated, if it concerns only a sector of production or a geographically small area...


  • Greece, Turkey, France, Spain ...
    The workers' response must be international and united!
  • That is why we must rid ourselves of the union-imposed framework, and take our struggle into our own hands. We must not accept that every mobilization remain in its particular “corner” in its “own” region or its “own” country. To remain isolated, separated from other sections of the working class, poses the best prospect for the bourgeoisie to continue to maintain control of the situation, for it to successfully wage more attacks against our lives, forcing us to sacrifice more and more, ultimately sacrificing our lives in the inevitable war.



    International Situation


  • The bourgeoisie prepares its repressive apparatus
  • As the economic crisis deepens, the bourgeoisie and its instruments of repression are consolidating...


  • An Irrational Accommodation: Capitalism
  • The capitalist class has only one aim in mind: to prevent the proletariat from affirming its solidarity and its unity as an international working class. While making believe that the Québécois proletariat would have something to safeguard, to defend against all immigrants from Arab countries or elsewhere, all this media hoopla endeavors to do is to make them believe that the immigrant situation is separate from the working class, from the misery of its own condition as an exploited class...



    Struggle against Opportunism
    [The two articles of this section are not translated into English. We refer our readers to the French version]


  • On the Imperialist Rivalries in Syria and the Giving up of the Marxist Principles by the ICC (Correspondance of the) Explorateurs en lendemains...)
  • And the ICC is walking in the footsteps of the bourgeois press. After having anaesthetized the proletarians with the light-hearted song about the impossibility of a new world war, the ICC ends up putting them to sleep with the lullaby on democracy and public opinion...


  • Our Response to the Explorateurs en lendemains...
  • We have received and discussed your statement on Syria. Even though we don't share the analysis of the dinamic of the imperialist rivalries that you present in your text, we fully support the defence of the principles of the communist movement that you make against their challenge - in general - and their liquidation - in particular - by the present ICC in the name of the theory of "Decomposition"...




    Text of the Workers Movement


  • Rosa Luxemburg : Her Fight Against the German Betrayers of International Socialism (Preface to the Junius Pamphlet)
    Clara Zetkin (1919)
  • The Junius Pamphlet is a particularly sparkling treasure of the heritage which Rosa Luxemburg has left the proletariat of Germany, of the world, for the theory and practice of its struggle for liberation...


Bulletin Communiste International
Novembre 2013 :
Bulletin Communiste International 11

Boletín Comunista Internacional
Noviembre 2013 :
Boletín Comunista Internacional 11

Our previous bulletins
New series
(From 2010 on)

Old series


History of the International Secrétariat of the ICC 1996-2001 (only in french)

How opportunism imposed itself within the central organs before infecting and beginning to destroy the whole organisation...

(1st part)  |  (2nd part)


Workers'mouvement files

July 2012: Issue 38
Interme 34


Our pamphlets (in français)
Groupe de Travailleurs Marxistes The IC degeneration: FCP (1924-27)
Group of Marxists Workers (1938)
The war question (1935)
Proletarian moral, class struggle and revisionism



Links on Internet

Groups and organisations of
the Proletarian field


Call on support

We want to thank our readers who understand and support our activity in different ways : writings, material or financial contributions.
Editing, printing and mailing our bulletin means an important financial effort related to the scarces resources we have.
The evolution of the situation, the fight we carry on against the opportunist ICC drift and for the preservation of this organisation's contributions for more than 30 years, all our activities in order to strenghten our class and its vanguard (regroupment labor, debates within the proletarian camp, intervention), all of this requires, among other things, an important financial effort.
So, we encourage the interested readers in our political labor and in the analysis we defend, to give us their financial support taking out a subscription of our Bulletin, and distributing it.

Fraction of the International Communist Left - fractioncommuniste - International Communist Bulletin