
About the real application of «Human Solidarity» by the today ICC

Two years after the Tsunami catastrophe in Asia, the French press has just revealed that more than half of the 400 millions Euros of donations collected by the Non Governmental Organization (Red Cross, Catholic Help Association, etc...) had no been utilised for helping the victims of the disaster. A true embezzlement and a true swindle of the "humanitarian" organisations to the service of French imperialism. Let's bet its's the same in the other countries.

We denounced this "solidarity" campaign launched at the time by the bourgeoisie (see bulletin 30).

We had also denounced then the participation of the "new ICC" to this campaign when it greeted the fact that "spontaneously, millions of people, and workers in particular, offered food, clothing, and money to help the victims [see World Revolution 381 for this part of the quotation]. In France for instance, supermarkets employees, in which persons coming from the countries suffering the disaster work, have spontaneously offered their new year bonus" (Révolution internationale 354, this part has apparently disappeared from the ICC web pages...)...

Here is, concretly, politically, where the cult of "human solidarity" and of "human morality" drives in class society : to participate to the bourgeoisie's campaigns and to swindle, financially and ideologically, the proletarians.

Internal Fraction of ICC - Communist Bulletin (Nš 38)