

Today, on Saturday May 20th 2006, three of our militants were in charge of distributing a leaflet at the street entrance of the place at which the ICC holds its "public" meetings in Paris.

Again, a militia from this group - which expelled us of its own ranks in 2001 - was firmly waiting on our comrades in order to refuse to let them past, in the street several hundred meters from the place.

Again, our comrades suffered a cowardly physical attack ; and this one was even more violent since they refused to submit; since they tried to defend themselves.

Let's mention that we had three militants (one of which was a woman) and that they were confronted by 6 or 7 "braves".

If these decerebrated militiamen finally stopped beating them up and if our comrades only ended up with a few "bruises", it's only thanks to the intervention of many people, in the street, who went to their rescue.

One more time and strongly, we condemn these practices which have nothing to do with the proletariat, but have a lot to do with stalinism. When one refuses political debate, when one flees from the confrontation of differing political positions, the logic of the facts can't but lead this one to get the means for making the discordant voices shut up. Today the ICC has come to this.

May 20th 2006

Communist Bulletin Nş 35 / 36 - Internal Fraction of ICC