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Due to the existence, in its interior, of not settled political and organizational divergences, the FICCI that existed since 2001, has split up into 2 parts:
What we are today is the continuity of what we were until then; that's why we resume in our count the "Who are we?" from IFICC, that we reproduce below.
Since 2001, a new and dramatical crisis is shaking up, indeed destroying, the ICC, one of the main organization of the international "proletarian political milieu". It expresses :
through a liquidating policy, led by the new "leadership", particularly (if not only), on the organizational level : refusal of any debate and quelling of the political divergences by personal denigration, lies, as well as increasing disciplinary sanctions against those who express them, up to their expulsion (a tumbrel of around ten expulsions have been decided in spring 2002. This has never happened in the ICC before and most of the excluded militants are « old » members and sometimes « founders » members who had important responsabilities). This orientation is similar, for its very essence, to the disastrous « bolshevization » suffered by the International Communist and the Communist Parties in the second half of the years 1920 ;
through the formation of our internal fraction, in October 2001, and the struggle it leads since then, in order to counter this liquidating orientation and to intend to stop the degenerating process in which is engaged this organization. The outcome of this process can't be but to the pure and simple loss of the ICC for the working class.
Our fraction led this struggle in particular through the publication of an "internal" bulletin (11 issues up to now) directed only to the ICC militants until our expulsion of the organization. Since then, the following issues were adressed and opened up to the political groups and individuals which are faithfull to communism and proletarian internationalism and which claim the tradition of the Communist Left of the 1920's and of the 1930's, particularly of the so-called "italian" Left.
Our bulletin wants to be a tool for reflection and for impelling the debate within the proletarian political milieu in order, of course, to draw the political balance-sheet of the crisis which affects the ICC today and to draw the maximum of lessons ; but also to bring out perspectives of regroupment of the revolutionary forces for the constitution of the future party of the proletariat.
The web site we open up here is an additional tool that we put at the disposal with the same spirit and the same goals.
Our fraction is the real continuator of the ICC because it keeps faithfull to its principles and fundamental positions which are today trampled and liquidated by the "official" ICC. It will carry on defending its platform and its statutes such as they existed since its foundation until the upsurge of this last crisis, as well as its fundamental analisis.
Thus as fraction, it has no intention to found a new political organization which couldn't but increase more the dispersal of the present revolutionary forces. All the contrary, its essential goal is to participate to the bringing closer of these forces, and even to their regroupment. Beyond the struggle against the degeneration of the ICC which might, for the least, enable us to make as much as posible the political balance-sheet, it's the task we want to give to our bulletin and to this web site.
July 7th, 2002.
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